
Matt Excell’s Avatar Matt Excell
22nd September 2024 at 20:21
I did infuse 60ml Campari with one heaped tsp of coffee grounds for 7 mins and I thought it worked really well.

I tasted the Campari before mixing and the coffee was strong, but not overpowering (it was still obviously Campari).

I mixed it into a Boulevardier - coffee+gin doesn't make as much sense as coffee+whiskey to me
Reid Morin’s Avatar Reid Morin
2nd March 2022 at 02:53
Ratio above probably meant for cold brew concentrate? That’s what I used and it was the right amount of coffee without it being overpowering
Adam M’s Avatar Adam M
23rd June 2024 at 17:21
You can make a concentrate by doing 1 part coarse ground coffee to 4 parts water - leave in fridge for 72 hours. Filter through a paper filter before using

Normal cold brew strength would be 1:16 so this is a 4 x concentrate.
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
2nd March 2022 at 13:03
I used and recommend "Minor Figures Nitro Cold Brew Coffee Black".
19th February 2022 at 12:42
I have a cold brew recipe book by Chloe Callow containing a recipe for cold brew Negroni. However, it uses equal measures. I suppose I will have to try both versions then ?‍♂️