
9th January at 02:01
Very interesting sounding cocktail. Wish I could try it but it has 4 different wine based ingredients and I rarely have 2 at a time at home. If you get the opportunity to try this one I would.
William Smith’s Avatar William Smith
24th July 2022 at 05:28
Next time I'll skip the syrup.
Andy K’s Avatar Andy K
9th July 2022 at 13:44
Had this in Happiness Forgets a couple of weeks ago and it was really rather lovely
John KM’s Avatar John KM
8th November 2021 at 22:54
I really liked this. It’s strangely refreshing
G. M. Genovese’s Avatar G. M. Genovese
4th May 2021 at 16:13
Today's blend: Hartley & Gibson Manzanilla, Lustau Amontillado, Cinzano Rosso, Noilly Prat Dry, vanilla syrup (1/4 tsp vanilla extract to 1/2 oz 2:1 cane simple syrup), 6 dashes Fee Bros West Indian Orange bitters... Quite fantastic!... I'm not a fan of the Fee Bros products, but their bitters worked wonderfully here.
15th January 2021 at 23:58
I had amontillado and fino sherries. No vanilla sugar and wanting a little more punch, I added an equal amount of Canadian Whiskey. Pretty decent...LOTS of toffee and a bit of a bite.