
G. M. Genovese’s Avatar G. M. Genovese
26th September 2024 at 20:43
Damn tasty with simple Four Roses and Fee Bros bitters. Brand choices will clearly skew the results, but oh yeah it's good.
Chris Lamb’s Avatar Chris Lamb
10th January 2023 at 06:19
Just an FYI that the 'Review' section mentions '15ml of 15% alc./vol. liqueuer,' but Bénédictine D.O.M. is 40%, not 15%.
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
10th January 2023 at 18:01
Thanks, Chris. Now corrected.
Stuart Reeve’s Avatar Stuart Reeve
5th December 2022 at 20:06
Excellent, for me superior to the traditional Old Fashioned. The herbaceous flavours of the Benedictine work incredibly well with a strong bourbon like Jim Beam Black Label, really makes for a very refined and complex cocktail.
John Hinojos’ Avatar John Hinojos
20th April 2022 at 03:28
Really like this for an evening sipper or night cap. Very smooth. Slightly sweet, but not overly. Perfect on a quiet evening or with friends.