Glasgow City Guide

Glasgow City Guide image 1

Scotland's largest city is an industrial city and the shipyards on the River Clyde still function. Whisky is, however, now more visible than shipbuilding and a great many brands are bottled in the outskirts of the city and the motorway from the airport passes huge warehouses with recognisable names such as Chivas Regal.

There's beauty here, plus a surprising amount to do, but you need to be alert to your environment and seek it out. Taking yourself on the trail of Scotland's best known architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh is one way to start.

Although it is part of the United Kingdom, Scotland has its own licensing laws and Glasgow's bars mostly confirm to the city's midnight curfew although clubs stay open till 3am (last entry maybe 1am). The minimum drinking age is 18, smoking is not permitted in any 'public space' and this includes bars.

During the eighties Glasgow gained a reputation for its cool, owner operated bars. Sadly these now appear outnumbered by corporate operations but a handful of entrepreneurs survive and own the majority of the city's more interesting bars.

As befits a city with a large student population, low prices and drinks promotions are common. The West End is the biggest student area and the greatest concentration of bars can be found on Ashton Lane, a pedestrian street which is packed with revellers most evenings, particularly in the summer. Music and DJs play an important part in the offering of many Glaswegian bars.

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