
John CARR’s Avatar John CARR
3rd January at 11:16
Fun and easy to make (apart from trying to get the maple syrup to dissolve) for the 10 lords are leaping day of Christmas. Wonderful depth of flavour and nice touches with the absinthe and Peychaud’s.
20th December 2024 at 23:35
Yum! Perfect for the first snowy night this winter. Christmas tree & candle lights and a fantastic cocktail. I sub Pernod for the absinthe. A keeper!
Caspian Berggren’s Avatar Caspian Berggren
17th December 2024 at 21:36
It's a good cocktail but make sure to make it with a good cognac or brandy. The St Remy VSOP I used was lacking to say to say the least. Make sure to treat yourself to a good cocktail this holiday!
Colin Cook’s Avatar Colin Cook
10th January 2024 at 11:03
Well balanced and festive. Will add this one to my repertoire.


7th January 2022 at 04:45
Very well balanced, with just the right amount of sweetness, but the anise note from the absinthe provides enough complexity that one is not tempted to down it in one go as a result of being too easy to drink.
John Hinojos’ Avatar John Hinojos
20th December 2021 at 03:36
Wow. What a wonderful after-dinner drink. Like all of Simon's cocktails, they are perfectly balanced and exactly to our tastes. Was great with a large slice of Christmas Cake made with plenty of rum. Perfect evening.