
Laurent Van muysewinkel’s Avatar Laurent Van muysewinkel
10th August 2024 at 15:52
N'ayant pas de mezcal, je l'ai remplacé par de la cachaça et le sirop d'orgeat par de l'amaretto... tout cela pour un très bon cocktail 🍸.
Andy Luker’s Avatar Andy Luker
24th July 2024 at 20:52
Heavily improvised with tequila and cachaca and lemon juice instead of the official method. Oh and also served straight up rather than on the rocks due to an ice crisis. Still jolly nice
John Hinojos’ Avatar John Hinojos
28th June 2024 at 00:39
Very nice and refreshing cocktail. We are not huge fans of Mezcal, but love Rhum Agricole. Felt the Mezcal overshadowed, a bit, the cocktail. The Rhum Agricole was a little lost.
Paul Spreitzer’s Avatar Paul Spreitzer
25th February 2024 at 23:44
This is an unexpected find.
I wanted to use up some fresh pineapple juice, and I was in the mood for mezcal -- and now I can't get the Doors out of my head. The mezcal and Rhum Clement Blanc seemed like strange bedfellows, but the other ingredients work to bring these two together beautifully. The mezcal is present, but it does not overpower. The grassy agricole is perfect -- a molasses-based rum might have over-sweetened things. And the little plastic monkey...well, need I say more?
Jacob Longacre’s Avatar Jacob Longacre
23rd January 2024 at 03:08
Really interesting. I don't generally love agricole, but this really works for me.