
Matt’s Avatar Matt
11th November 2024 at 04:42
Tasted Bonal, Byrrh and Dubonnet head to head.
Bonal is brownish, with a nice, sweet, fruity/plummy flavor. A hint of bitterness, not syrupy/cloying. Excellent.
Byrrh is the lightest color – ruby/reddish. Light and fruity flavor (weirdly like Cocchi Americano, but the wrong color), with some drying bitterness. Delicious.
Dubonnet is dark burgundy/maroon, and is the most sweet & fruity (not cloying). Excellent.
The 3 are cousins, but not subs for each other.
Chris Brislawn’s Avatar Chris Brislawn
20th April 2023 at 05:29
I'm finding wines/liqueurs are often the key ingredient in great cocktails. The page on "Kina aromatized wines" doesn't list many choices and I haven't seen most of them locally. Found Byrrh Grand Quinquina at a local wine store but am underwhelmed so far. Was expecting something like Campari but got light, sweet, alcoholic rose' with little bittering instead. The "Monet's Moment" cocktail was disappointing. Is Kina L'Aero d'Or the best contemporary Kina option? I can't get it locally, though.


20th July 2021 at 20:15
What are the differences between Dubonet and this one ?
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
21st July 2021 at 10:38
Comparing to French Dubonnet (not tried US Dubonnet for years but I remember it as quite different), Byrrh is bigger in alcohol and richer in flavour but Dubonnet would be a possible substitute in a cocktail recipe.
Peter Shaw’s Avatar Peter Shaw
27th May 2020 at 08:29
have just started using this in a Bronx Cheer - pretty good! Anyone know how along a bottle in the fridge stays fresh - I am assuming it is similar to vermouth?