
Simon Sedgley’s Avatar Simon Sedgley
6th August 2024 at 07:06
Tequila and Rum is not a dance that I have enjoyed previously. But perhaps I don't get out onto the dance floor enough these days. Lovely cocktail.
Louise Allen’s Avatar Louise Allen
23rd July 2024 at 21:49
I only had blanco tequila and mezcal so used those. I also used smith and cross rum. The result was delicious!
Niccolò Murtas’ Avatar Niccolò Murtas
7th May 2024 at 10:15
manages to strike a balance between the "warmth" of the rum (or "roundness"?) and the dryness of the tequilas. I think it's a noteworthy variation of a margarita, especially considering the slight addition of rum constituting its primary difference (though it takes off the triple sec, without replacing with agave syrup, like a tommi's?)
John Hinojos’ Avatar John Hinojos
11th May 2022 at 01:42
This has wonderful falvours and nuances. The two tequilas give it a Mexican touch, and the Navy Rum adds the touch of a traditional daiquiri. Great for anytime or in place of one of the many versions of a Margarita.