Balanced, tasty and enlivening, this cocktail is incredibly quick and easy to make using just three ingredients that should be every day essentials in...
Thought I should try this before the Difford's recipe for comparison purposes. No Mr. Black or NOLA at my local LCBO, so I opted for Tia Maria, having never had it before. Glad I didn't use Kahlua, because this still came out pretty sweet and vanilla-tasting. Was surprised by how well everything came together though, and the espresso still really shined, despite the drink being overall slightly too sweet. I can see why Difford adjusted the recipe.
Really nice with cognac instead of vodka and 1/4 oz rich Demerara syrup. The toffee notes come out nicely. Thanks to Anders Erickson YouTube for the idea.
I did this because otherwise I was worried that it would be too bitter. Delish - and quite nice if you use chocolate covered coffee beans rather than just regular ones!