Very unusual —and delightfully rich. The blend of flavors has an amazing complexity that suits me very well. Strong, certainly, but I made it on the rocks, and that actually worked to dilute the mixture into something glorious.
So I made this as per the above recipe. While I enjoyed this, I wonder if I might have preferred the ratios published in Difford's 15th edition, and in particular if as in that recipe, 1/2 oz water might have tamed the cocktail slightly. Will try that version next and report back!
Does anyone know with any kind of authority what a dash actually is? In this recipe is saying 4 dashes is 1.25ml (0.3ml per dash) but on the website I've linked below it says it's just under 1ml per dash and 1ml was also the general consensus on a cocktail Facebook group I'm a member of.