
Alex Grieb’s Avatar Alex Grieb
14th June 2023 at 05:25
This has become my favourite drink over the last six months or so. I personally omit the simple syrup, as the punt e mes and curacao are plenty sweet already. The grassy freshness of the cachaca and the bitter notes compliment each other so well, I urge anyone to try this drink!
Gui Menegon’s Avatar Gui Menegon
13th June 2024 at 00:17
You are right twice: Great drink and no sugar makes it even better
Wilton Catford’s Avatar Wilton Catford
7th April 2023 at 18:44
It's amazing how strongly the Cointreau comes through.
John Hinojos’ Avatar John Hinojos
8th September 2022 at 00:11
With the flavour of the Cachaca and the herbals it is great. Nicely bitter, but tempered by the sugar syrup and curacao. Perfect aperitif.