Bee Kind
The aim of the project is to use natural resources in a sustainable way to create a self-sustaining cycle through the purchase of stingless bee honey, produced and marketed by Coopygua. The Tan Tan bar use the honey in their Bee Kind cocktail and the proceeds from the sale of this cocktail are donated to the cooperative.
Bee Kind cocktail
30 ml Ketel One family-made vodka
10 ml honey
15 ml fine Sherry
2 ml honey vinegar
0.25 ml saline solution
0.5 ml citric acid
15ml cider
5 ml aged rum
Stirred and served in a coupe glass.
Tan Tan bar
Opened in 2015 by the chef, restaurateur and bar manager Thiago Bañares as a restaurant, Tan Tan serves authorial Chuka cuisine and has established itself as one of the most popular in São Paulo and a reference in Asian cuisine. In 2018, in order to give the house bar the same notoriety as its kitchen, Tan Tan doubled in size and became one of
the best bars in the city.
The bar's recognition came quickly: currently, Tan Tan occupies the 62nd position among the 100 best in the world in the 2022 ranking of The World's 50 Best Bars (the only Brazilian bar to make the list for the past two years) and was named in the top 10 regional bars by at the 14th Tales of the Cocktail Foundation Spirited Awards in 2020.
Coopygua, the Tupiniquim and Guarani Indigenous Farmers Cooperative, aims to organize and enable the formal
marketing of excellent quality sustainable products produced in the indigenous land, such as honey, cassava flour, urucum, black pepper, fruit pulps etc. It's based in a mosaic of three indigenous lands that make up an area of approximately 12 thousand hectares in the coastal zone of the municipality of Arcaruz, Espírito Santo, approximately 60 km, to the north, of the capital of Vitória. This is a region that has suffered from the impact of human occupation since the arrival of the Portuguese in the 16th Century. For the indigenous peoples, the colonization process brought severe impacts and challenged their survival.
In the indigenous lands of Aracruz, only recognized and demarcated in 2010, there are 12 villages of the Guarani and Tupiniquim peoples. Guaranis and Tupiniquins, with very different histories and cultures, share this piece of land
and struggle for rights, identity and adequate environmental conditions for the development of sustainable economic activities.
Tupyguá is a range of stingless bee products that are cultivated, processed and marketed by the Guarani and Tupiniquim peoples who live in the indigenous lands of Aracruz, Espírito Santo. The group, of approximately 60 families of farmers and beekeepers, is committed to the sustainable use of the territory's natural resources and the maintenance of cultural traditions practised for many generations by ancestral peoples.
The product: honey from native Uruçu-Amarela stingless bees
Pure honey from native stingless bees of the Uruçu-Amarela species (Melipona mondury) undergoes a fermentation process lasting six to eight months. Through this natural fermentation, without the addition of water, yeast or other additives, this process gives honey more acidity as well as additional aromas. Also available in varieties
corresponding to the flowering of different ecosystems: Restinga, Tabuleiro and Capoeira.
Capoeira is secondary vegetation that succeeds the original Tabuleiro forest when it's felled. In this flowering honey, Aroeirinha flowers and traces of Eucalyptus flowers predominate, which is widely cultivated around the indigenous land.