David Alejandro Navarro Font

David Alejandro Navarro Font

Representing: Spain

"Manresa is the city where I was born, and where I live and work. It is a small city in Catalonia, with about 75,000 inhabitants. It is very close to Barcelona, about 60 km away. It is a quiet and pleasant place to live. But it is not the
same for everyone. Manresa is one of the Catalan towns with the highest number of social benefits. So, I decided to give back a little of what we have to the community.

My way of helping was collaborating with the Santa Clara Convent Foundation, which manages a food platform and organic gardens, among many other social initiatives. For this we create a cocktail where we intend to simulate one, if not the simplest, but most recognized dish of Catalan gastronomy. The "pa amb tomàquet i pernil". Vodka Ketel One, toasted bread syrup, tomato vegetable water and candied oil with ham fat, make up our cocktail.

The economic benefit of this cocktail will go directly to the arcades of the food platform. This cocktail will be available in our bars, but we are also in contact with other bars so that they can also offer it. In this way, we can reach more customers.

To make the project transcend the city's borders, we have created a web page explaining the project and through which financial donations can be made."

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Pa Amb Tomàquet I Pernil

Glass: Nude Remy Savage Glass Water 260 ml
Garnish: Float 10 drops of Iberico ham fat candied oil
Method: We put the ingredients in the cocktail shaker and make a shake. We serve in the glass. With a pipette we gently place the drops of oil on the surface of the cocktail, and with the help of a toothpick we make a circle of hearts.

50ml Ketel One Family Made Vodka
50ml Toasted bread syrup
90ml Tomato vegetative water
5ml Egg white

To make Toasted bread syrup:
We toast a slice of "pages" bread almost until it burns, but without going too far. We cut it and immerse it in 1.2 liters of water. We bring the water to a boil and then let it macerate for 48 hours. Strain into a superbag to obtain 1 liter of toasted bread water. Add 1 kg of sugar and bring to a boil again. Allow to cool, and that's it.

To make Tomato vegetative water:
We blanch the tomatoes to remove the skin, which we are going to reserve for another preparation. We pass the tomatoes through the cold press, to make a cold-pressed tomato juice. We freeze this juice, and once frozen we break it and place it in a superbag to let it filter for 48 hours, in order to obtain the tomato vegetative water.

To make the garnish
For the garnish, we take the white part of the fat from the Iberian ham and confit it in olive oil over low heat for 4 hours. Once the 4 hours have passed, we let it macerate for 24 hours. Finally, we add a red fat-soluble food coloring to create a contrast on the yellowish color of the cocktail.

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