Edwin Borrero

Edwin Borrero

Representing: Puerto Rico

"Puerto Rico's biggest business is Tourism. Gastronomy, Sports and artists are pillars of our economy. We want to develop the next generation to help Puerto Rico's economic growth. We are putting our Ketel One Cocktail in our 173 menu. 50% of the profits will impact directly people that want to belong to our bar industry via coworking with a local bartending school. Profits will be donated towards scholarships to pay for courses to those interested in help Puerto Rico's cocktail scene rise to the top!

The other 50% of the profits will be donated to a local music school. Puerto Rico's biggest impact in the world is through our music artists. We want to help those in need to be able to make music and show it to the world.

Puertorican Sofrito is a culinary sauce. A condiment used as a base for a lot of our plates. Its our French Mirepoux. In our Ketel One liquid version, Recao, or Culantro is infused into Ketel One. It is mixed with Aji Dulce, a local sweet Peppers, used as a Soda. A dash of Olive Bitters, and we have a Puerto rican experience in our mouths.

Taste Puerto Rico in a glass. And help out funding future music artists, and future bartenders. Tourism, Music, and gastronomy are our main exports. Be a part of our growth!!!"

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So' Frito

Glass: Tall glass
Garnish: Culantro leaf and Aji Dulce
Method: Combine all ingredients into a PET bottle and for carbonate 3 times at 30psi.
Ice: Ice spear

22.5 ml Ketel One Family-Made Vodka
22.5ml Ultrasonic Culantro Ketel One
90 ml Aji Dulce soda

To make Ultrasonic Culantro Ketel One:
Using a Ultrasonic Homogenizer, Infused 5 culantro leaves per 750 ml of Ketel One at at 52 Celsius for 45 minutes.

To make Aji Dulce soda:
Equal parts by weight sugar, water and Aji Dulce. Aji Dulce is a Sweet Pepper used in the Caribbean. Combine 2 parts 6% citric acid solution, 3 parts Aji Dulce syrup and 5 parts water.

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