Florian Pawlik

Florian Pawlik

Representing: Luxembourg

"For this exciting challenge, I decided to involve a very surprising section of our Luxembourg community, those with visual impairment. Indeed, the star of this challenge is none other than Tiago, a person with blindness who works in the restaurant « Dans le noir », located in the heart of the Grand Ducal city. The concept and company is part of the global group 'Dine in the Dark', and we hope to expand our partnership beyond our borders. This concept aims to serve a dinner, putting your senses to work, with the exception of sight, plunged into complete darkness. We reversed the roles by diving it behind the bar for a high aerobatic performance. Failures, good humour, and a transmission of my knowledge make this challenge something special for me, a lot of emotions during the shoot, and a real friendship was born with the whole team of the restaurant.

This project aims to empower the workers who define this concept and prove that they are capable of much more than the roles many naturally assume they fulfil. And result in the team serving a very special Ketel One cocktail in their restaurant.

Another actor of the challenge, honey produced through the gardens and roofs of Luxembourg, comes perfectly married to the honey aromas of Ketel One Vodka.

Hunneg këscht is an urban beekeeping company. These honeys come from the flowers of their neighbourhood, they're also from sustainable practices and very respectful of the bees themselves. Urban apiaries do not exceed 8 hives to keep the characteristics of the local environment from which the honey is produced. This honey is filtered to its extraction and potted by the beekeeper in Luxembourg city."

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Letzburg Bees Knees

Glass: Wine glass
Garnish: Lemon zest
Method: In a shaker, add all ingredients and shake vigorously. Double strain in a chilled wine glass. Garnish with a generous zest of lemon
Ice: Cubes

40 ml Ketel One Family-Made Vodka
30 ml Honey from Hunneg këscht
30 ml Fresh lemon juice

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