Grzegorz Pikulski

Grzegorz Pikulski

Representing: Poland

"The Oasis cocktail is a symbol of revolt against the urban expansion of Cracow city, where the biggest victims are green areas which are turning into new investments. I was always very close to nature and that is why I feel overwhelmed by this process.

That is why I got inspired by local residents who try to create some green areas in the form of urban gardens grown between the concrete. Thanks to cooperation with them, I started collecting herbs which I use to create my Garnish With Good cocktail. I decided to use only herbs, because they are the easiest to grow on a large scale and are the most renewable.

Cocktail will be served in a couple of bars in Cracow to show the subject to a larger group of people. Part of the profit from serving Oasis cocktail will be donated to support and create new gardens.

Part of the ritual during serving cocktails is highlighting that the garnish was collected from a local urban garden as well as the ingredients for the cordial. That will allow us - bartenders to start the story about disappearing green areas in our city.

Only together we can make a change and save them, because if we won't try to support them we won't be able to resource any fresh ingredients by ourselves."

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Glass: Short Cidra glass 330 ml
Garnish: Sage leaf or thyme twig, depends on availability
-Put all ingredients in twist and sparkle or other carbonation rig,
-Gass the cocktail,
-Pour carbonated cocktail into chill glass with block of ice,
-Add garnish.
Ice: Block

40 ml Ketel One Family-Made Vodka
50 ml Sage & Thyme cordial
10 ml White Vermouth
50 ml Clear water

To make Sage & Thyme cordial
400g blossom honey
300 ml sour solution*
50g fresh sage leafs
10g fresh thyme

Blanche sage and thyme,
Blend them all together with rest of ingredients,
Strain the mixture with a fine strain,
Strain the liquid through coffee filter.

*Sour solution
40g Citric acid
20g Malic acid
940 ml Water

Stir all ingredients together until acids dissolve in water.

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