Kumar Chaulagai
Representing: United Arab Emirates
A cocktail based on local flavours found in Dubai as an endeavour to be sustainable. Dates, mint, tamarind and apricot.
Souq Ekata
Glass: Highball
Garnish: Protein bar
Method: Built - Highball style
50ml Ketel ONe Family Made Vodka
100ml Ekata Mix
To make Ekata Mix:
200ml Mint Water - 50g Mint/250ml Of water/cook in sous vide at low temperature/ice bath to stop the cooking
200ml Jullep
200ml Kamaredin
500ml Tamarind Puree - Centrifuge all the ingredients Fine Strain and chill
To make Date homemade chips:
Whatever remains after making Ekatha soda,
5 fresh dates
5-gram wheat protein
1-gram edible charcoal
1-gram pectin
Blend them with food processor
Place it of filter paper
Baked it for
1 hour in 120 degrees,
Give a round shape with cutter.