Olivia Hermansson

Olivia Hermansson

Representing: Sweden

Craving clarity is about disclosing the extent of waste produced mainly by hotels and restaurants and how to transform it into something new, and delicious and while doing so also having fun together as a team while developing techniques and perspectives on how to use the waste to do more good.

I work at a restaurant that's connected to a huge hotel chain. Hotel breakfasts are in general an enormous food waste but also an opportunity. We gather the personnel to eat, discuss and afterwards challenge each other to transform the waste into something good and delicious. We do this not only to build a stronger connection but also to educate and activate a creative mindset, to learn how to think outside the box and be sustainable. Some things have to be thrown away but what can we use to make an impact in our community to produce less waste? How can we inspire others to do the same?

How to create something together, from the waste with as much creativity and flavor as possible. The main focus has been to use dairy waste products in clarification methods with acid and sugar that comes from juices and fruit waste.

I hope this is the start of something that will develop into an industry standard. Not only the good impact in the community but also the world. This drink does not only do good, but also tastes good. So good that you're gonna crave it all the time.

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The Early Bird

Glass: Nick & Nora
Garnish: Melon and marmalade sheet
Method: Pour all ingredients into a chilled stirring glass. Stir over fresh ice. Strain into serving glass.

45ml Ketel One Family Made Vodka
15ml Breakwaste Cordial
0.25ml Saline solution
0.25ml Orange bitters

To make Breakwaste Clarification:
400 ml Vanilla Yoghurt
250 ml Orange Juice
250 ml Raw juiced Carrots
880 ml Ginger & Lemon shot
600 ml Sugar Syrup
Pour ingredients into a container and mix all together.
Strain through a coffee filter.
Saline Solution
50 g Flake Sea Salt
500 ml Water

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