Trash in the city

Trash in the city

Laura Newman lives in Birmingham in Alabama, USA, where she runs her bar Queen's Park.

After exploring trash in her city, Laura discovered the average restaurant makes 100,000 pounds of trash a year and most of this waste is food waste. This inspired her Better Drinking project which strives for less trash and sustainable solutions.

The Birmingham Family Bloody Mary is a riff on a Bloody Mary, created in collaboration with a number of Birmingham's bars and restaurants. It's made using oyster shell-infused Ketel One Vodka, tomato skins, veggie scraps, shellfish stock and nori-sesame verjus - many ingredients ordinarily thrown away.

Laura estimates that the Birmingham Family Bloody Mary reduces waste production across six restaurants and bars by 20 pound a day, adding up to over 7,000 pounds of trash in a year. Not only that, a portion of the proceeds goes to Surf Rider Foundation, an organisation which protects and preserves oceans and coasts.

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