"Hei! Tänään on Suomen kielen päivä, aika juhlistaa mahtavia kirjaimia J ja K, sekä lisätä pisteitä mahdollisimman monen vokaalin päälle." Or, as we say in English, "Hello! Today is Finnish Language Day, a time to celebrate the wonderful letters J and K, and to add dots to as many vowels as possible."
We have a bishop named Mikael Agricola to thank for the Finnish language. The first person to write the language down, he died on this day in 1557.
The Finnberry Martini, a berry martini starring Finland's signature cloudberry liqueur, along with northern cranberries, makes the perfect tribute.
A generation before Madonna was even born, the actress Mae West was scandalizing the world with Sex. Not a book, in this case, but a play.
Written and produced by the star, Sex dealt with the life and times of a prostitute - a fairly racy topic even now, and extremely bold in 1927. This brave decision saw West arrested and imprisoned for eight days, throughout which time she ensured regular deliveries of clean silk underwear. It also meant that a second play, dealing with the then even more taboo subject of homosexuality, never made it to the stage.
In honour of a woman who coined the immortal lines "Between two evils, I always choose the one I never tried," and "I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it," we recommend you join us in a Devil's Horn or even a Tartini.
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