Marco Felici, Coffee Pot

Marco Felici, Coffee Pot image 1

Marco Felici, Coffee Pot

Marco is 37 years old and currently works at Coffee Pot as a head Barman. He was around 20 when he entered the world of mixology, starting as a barback in a night bar in his hometown, Rome.

After some experience as a barback, he then started working as a barman in discos bars. He fell in love with this profession so much that he decided to start specific training to learn the basics of what become his profession and his life. Study, exercises and attendance of cocktail bars around the world lead Marco to improve his work and knowledge of drinks, until he landed at the Coffee Pot.


ency 21 image

40ml Italicus
20ml Grappa Barrique 12 months
30ml Lemon juice
4 dash calabrian red pepper tincture
90ml Fresh tomato juice

This drink was born out of my passion for food. I was really glad to have a chance to create a drink starting from my favorite dish.

I didn't think twice about using an Italian timeless classic, the renowned "Cacio e Pepe".

I developed my drink around it; it was a bit reverse process, starting from the top of the cocktail but my goal was to get my favourite dish aroma, to the nose of the one who tasted the drink.

Starting from this purpose, I reinterpreted a Bloody Mary, using ITALICUS as the main alcoholic part which, with its citrus scent, went perfectly together with all the others elements.

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