On this day

National Christmas Lights Day image
1st December

National Christmas Lights Day

Invented by Thomas Edison in 1880, the electric Christmas light has most of the world in a festive chokehold and it's a sure sign that the festive season

World Pollution Prevention Day image
2nd December

World Pollution Prevention Day

On this day in 1984, the people of India witnessed one of the world's worst industrial incidents - the Bhopal gas disaster. On the night of 2nd December,

Illinois' statehood image
3rd December

Illinois' statehood

On this day in 1818, Illinois became the 21st state in the United States. Of the fifty U.S. states, Illinois has the sixth-largest population, the 25th-largest

Cabernet Franc Day image
4th December

Cabernet Franc Day

Cabernet Franc Day has been celebrated on the 4th of December since 2015 but this noble grape variety has a much longer history and is believed to have

Repeal Day image
5th December

Repeal Day

The Noble Experiment – US Prohibition – came to an end on this day in 1933 when the House of Representatives passed the Twenty-first Amendment to the

It's also St Nicholas Day image
6th December

It's also St Nicholas Day

The saint best known as Santa Claus died today more than 1,600 years ago, and in many parts of Europe, children will wake up to gifts from the man himself

Celebrating a Dead Parrot image
7th December

Celebrating a Dead Parrot

1969 was quite a year. The world celebrated the first man on the moon, 350,000 fans attended Woodstock, the Beatles gave their last performance on the

National Brownie Day image
8th December

National Brownie Day

Rich, cakey squares of chocolatey deliciousness. The brownie is the baked good that we all love and today, on National Brownie Day, we get to celebrate

National Pastry Day image
9th December

National Pastry Day

Flaky, shortcrust, filo, puff or choux - there's a pastry for everyone! And not that we ever need an excuse to indulge but today is National Pastry Day

Trader Vic's birthday image
10th December

Trader Vic's birthday

If you've ever sipped a Mai Tai or a Zombie, lounged under a palm-thatched roof, then you've enjoyed the wonders of the Tiki nightlife genre that would

National App Day image
11th December

National App Day

As there is now an app for everything (our website is designed to resemble an app on your phone), why not celebrate their revolutionary effect on our lives

National Poinsettia Day image
12th December

National Poinsettia Day

Another national day of the festive variety today celebrates the red and green, leafy Poinsettia which can be found in abundance during the Christmas period.

National Cocoa Day image
13th December

National Cocoa Day

Many of us are gearing up for the festive season and let's face it, life can feel a little frantic at this time of year, so what better way to slow down

National Screwdriver Day image
14th December

National Screwdriver Day

According to some National Screwdriver Day was actually yesterday on the 13th. Screw them! Others we respect say it's the 14th. A Screwdriver made with

RIP Jerry Thomas image
15th December

RIP Jerry Thomas

The godfather of modern bartending, author of the first known cocktail book, and the most famous bartender of his era, Jerry Thomas died in New York on

Anniversary of The Boston Tea Party image
16th December

Anniversary of The Boston Tea Party

As an argument about tax and monopolies escalated, on this day in 1773 it culminated in a boat-based riot. As the captains and crew of three British ships

The aeroplane's birthday image
17th December

The aeroplane's birthday

For seven years the Wright brothers had been experimenting with flight from their bicycle shop in Ohio when Orville Wright took to the skies on this day

Bake Cookies Day image
18th December

Bake Cookies Day

The word cookie evolved from the Swedish word 'koekje', but cookies originated in Persia during the seventh century as more of a shortcake. America wasn't

Look for an Evergreen Day image
19th December

Look for an Evergreen Day

Whether you opt for a real Christmas tree or prefer not to be vacuuming up needles every day and go for an artificial one instead, an evergreen is something

Anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase image
20th December

Anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase

In 1803, the United States, then a new nation confined to the eastern seaboard of a largely unknown continent, concluded the biggest property deal in history,

The shortest or Longest day image
21st December

The shortest or Longest day

Depending on whether you are reading this in the Northern of Sothern Hemispheres, you are about to endure the shortest day of the year or enjoy the longest

Lincoln Tunnel's Birthday image
22nd December

Lincoln Tunnel's Birthday

Named after Abraham Lincoln, the original bore, the Centre Tube, of the Lincoln tunnel opened this day in 1937. Approximately 1½ miles / 2.4 km long,

Festivus image
23rd December


For anyone who is fed up with Christmas or irreligious enough to eschew Hanukkah but keen to throw a party, Festivus provides the answer to the secularist's

Christmas Eve image
24th December

Christmas Eve

Today is, of course, Christmas Eve and it's also, rather splendidly, the anniversary of the first time men orbited the moon.

A Very Merry Christmas image
25th December

A Very Merry Christmas

Today is, allegedly, Jesus' birthday, the day he was born in the stable of Bethlehem, and a chance for families around the world to come together and over-indulge

Boxing Day image
26th December

Boxing Day

Depending on where you're from, today is St Stephen's Day, Boxing Day, Wren Day, or just the day after Christmas.

Anniversary of London's Great Fog image
27th December

Anniversary of London's Great Fog

On this day in 1813, a mysterious, thick fog smelling of coal tar blanketed London, cutting visibility so low that folk couldn't see across the street,

Childermas image
28th December


Today is Childermas, if you are an Anglo Christian, or Santos Inocentes, if you are a fun-loving Spaniard - the day when Herod supposedly massacred the

Tick Tock Day image
29th December

Tick Tock Day

Not to be confused with the hugely popular social media app, Tick Tock Day is about ticking off your to-do list whilst time is ticking away towards the

International Bacon Day image
30th December

International Bacon Day

Perhaps not a celebration for vegetarians, vegans, Jews and Muslims, but for the rest of us, this is a day to enjoy everything from bacon butties to bacon-flavoured

New Year's Eve image
31st December

New Year's Eve

Tonight the world will be celebrating the New Year. In New York, it's all about the ball drop; in Sydney, Hong Kong and London, fireworks rule; in London

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