7 October

National Frappe Day

Absinthe Frappé

So we are drinking an...

Absinthe Frappé

An American "National Day" marked annually on October 7th, National Frappé Day is designed to celebrate the blended coffee drink of the same name that's topped with whipped cream.

If you're a frappe coffee lover, then perhaps celebrate with extra cream on yours today. Here at Difford's Guide we'll be celebrating with a very different type of frappe, namely an Absinthe Frappé.

Slavery Abolished in Cuba

Slavery in Cuba was abolished by royal decree this day in 1886.

More than a million enslaved West Africans had been brought to Cuba as part of the Atlantic slave trade to work on the lucrative sugar cane plantations. They vastly outnumbered the European population, and today perhaps as many as 60 per cent of Cubans are descended from the enslaved African populations. We're celebrating the beginning of the end of a terrible era with a Cuba Libre.

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