
Alexandre Lockfeld’s Avatar Alexandre Lockfeld
5th March 2024 at 01:04
Was looking for a Last Word variation to husband the remains of a small bottle of Chartreuse and found this. Made with Bombay Sapphire and used a Meyer lemon fresh off the indoor tree. It was fabulous! I used some salt as suggested and did not find it too sweet.
Dávid Ugróczi’s Avatar Dávid Ugróczi
5th August 2023 at 22:34
A but too sweet but otherwise perfect . The ingredients work really well together, but you need a strong, characterful gin (I used Tanqueray) to get a balanced result.
18th September 2023 at 07:51
The saline absolutely makes this sing
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
7th August 2023 at 21:00
Agreed. I've now moved away from the equal parts recipe in search of better balance. The addition of a few drops of saline also helps.
Smythe Richbourg’s Avatar Smythe Richbourg
5th August 2023 at 04:39
I was not prepared for how much I liked this! Though obviously not as deeply herbaceous as The Last Word, neither do any of the ingredients cost $60+/bottle! The cherry and elderflower play nicely with the lemon.
Herbert Brant’s Avatar Herbert Brant
21st January 2023 at 22:35
Flawless combination of flavors. No tweaking needed —the mix is perfect as written. Added to Favourites.
29th April 2022 at 12:05
might want to decease marachino to 1/2 oz and increase elderflower to 1 oz
John McTague’s Avatar John McTague
30th January 2021 at 19:16
This is delicious. I'll have to invest in a bottle of green chartreuse at some point to try the classic Last Word, but this is a great cocktail.
6th August 2020 at 03:52
Particularly delicate riff on the last word. Well balanced and easily drank. Very floral. Great pre-dinner.