
John CARR’s Avatar John CARR
21st January at 13:35
Highly drinkable. I used Simon’s suggested noyau sub of amaretto and a dash of grenadine for colour. I added the bitters as a spritz on top. Salut!
John CARR’s Avatar John CARR
21st January at 13:39
The 5ml touch of almond/kernel works beautifully and harmoniously, adding depth to the spirits, wine, herbal and fruity characters of the gin and Lillet. Recommended.
James Brooke’s Avatar James Brooke
17th October 2024 at 21:28
I’m surprised Difford’s Guide doesn’t also feature the Harrovian cocktail, from the Savoy Cocktail Book, as Harrow is supposed to be the rival school to Eton!
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
18th October 2024 at 10:20
Agreed, it's a glaring omission. I've added a draft Harrovian recipe to our Early Access Cocktails ahead of perfecting in the coming days and photography.
Ben R’s Avatar Ben R
29th May 2023 at 18:16
My eyebrow raised at the ratio of Lillet to gin, but wow, this Lillet-forward cocktail really works.
Emily Resnik’s Avatar Emily Resnik
10th July 2022 at 22:45
Did not have crème de nayou, so subbed amaretto and it was delicious
Dave Smith’s Avatar Dave Smith
23rd December 2024 at 01:08
Amaretto works great in this rather unusual cocktail. I agree: delicious!
Melissa Demian’s Avatar Melissa Demian
15th September 2023 at 21:20
Yes, I had the same problem, so subbed in my homemade whitebeam bud liqueur which has a comparable almondy profile. It works beautifully!