One of the best-known cocktails of the modern era, the White Russian, consists of vodka and coffee liqueur served on the rocks, sipped over a silky layer...
Wouldn't the "flat white Martini" mentioned properly be an espresso martini variant rather than a white russian? I feel like an actual shot of espresso puts it in e.m. territory immediately even before you consider it's served Up and doesn't even contain a coffee liqueur
To clarify, feel that it's possible to swap out the "sweetening agent" in an espresso martini and still keep the integrity of the drink basically intact but as a white russian is just a black russian variant, and a black russian is vodka+coffee liqueur by definition, seems to me it's possible to lose the kahlua in an espresso martini but not really in any kind of "... russian"
Split the base between vodka and gin. I used Bombay Sapphire but I think any modern gin would work well. That variation added a wonderful sparkle and richness to the flavor of this classic cocktail.
Nothing takes you back to being 18 and in a nightclub for the first time more than this. Love it and hate it at the same time. Bit of grated nutmeg on top makes it top notch.
White Russians, and White Cubans are perfect for when you want to feel decadent without too much effort! One fun variation is one part each vodka, white rum, Kahlua and amaretto, with your preferred amount of cream, I usually use 2-3 parts. The almond flavour adds another enjoyable note.
We have a new variation for 2023 from the US. The Indictment Cocktail. All the same White Russian ingredients but with a thin orange skin garnish, as well as some bling bling gold leaf to class it up!
I was 18 when The Big Lebowski came out... so this instantly became one of my favourite drinks. Also love how “The Dude” sometimes refers to it as a “Caucasian”