Like shogi, first outing for xocolatl bitters, and they’re quite the show! Used the listed 12 drops/one dash any it was mighty potent. A real flavour explosion this one! I’d be tempted to take the Campari back a smidge for my taste. But a brilliant flavour feast nonetheless, and a great way of celebrating winter solstice.
Actually slightly dilution helped - topped up with a few mills of ice melt from the mixing glass opened up the flavours and allowed the xocolatl to create almost a zing on the tongue. Wow 🤩!!
Fully warrants the portentous name. Wonderfully balanced late-nighter with layers of bittersweet flavours that all support and highlight one another. Great first experience of Xocolatl mole bitters for me, they tie this one together perfectly.
I must have got the measures perfect - nothing jumped out and all the flavours just worked together to produce a perfect late night easy sipper. The cherry brandy bringing up the after taste and mellowing the red bitters.
This is going to get added to my late night range.