
11th March 2023 at 16:28
I am kinda surprised by such a high postition of some ingredients
lindee horman’s Avatar lindee horman
11th March 2023 at 06:18
Love this list, thankyou - it really is helpful when the “diffords” website is my fallback for allthings cocktail.
11th March 2023 at 00:52
Love seeing data like this. I’d be interested to see what this list looks like if after the top 10 or 20 on the list, the order is by what additional ingredient to the ingredients above adds the most new cocktails able to be made.
Ignacy Szczupal’s Avatar Ignacy Szczupal
10th March 2023 at 22:23
Very useuful. Can you expand to 150 ? Or better can you expand to Ferro china amaro, this one is not in my bar !
Chris Perkins’ Avatar Chris Perkins
10th March 2023 at 16:56
Interesting list...but of your 5,000+ cocktails in the database, this must include the ingredients in many rarely made or not-so-great-tasting drinks. A list of the top ingredients in the top 100 (or 500) recipes viewed - or most highly rated drinks - would really give an insight into what you have to have on the back bar or home bar. Is there a data whizz on the team who could crunch those numbers??
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
12th March 2023 at 16:16
Hi Chris. I'll need to chat with our IT team but I envisage a breakdown of all the ingredients in our Hall of Fame Cocktails and how many cocktails each ingredient is used in.
Ignacio Seligra’s Avatar Ignacio Seligra
12th March 2023 at 16:04
Totally agree with this idea. I made my own attempt at designing the very first 15-20 ingredients for a cocktail bar starter, but most cocktails one could do with them were repetitive or uninteresting, and left many cocktail classics apart. A great expert with a great database could do this far better.
Lee Clarke’s Avatar Lee Clarke
26th January 2021 at 17:57
Hi Simon. Would love to see this updated for Version 15. Any plans in your manic schedule? Cheers.
28th November 2021 at 06:38
Same for me! I’m trying to get some inspiration to broaden my home bar even further and this is a great list to expand the overall repertoire!