
Ruth Harvey’s Avatar Ruth Harvey
17th November 2024 at 16:20
Delicious and indeed very boozy!
14th December 2022 at 05:19
You might consider serving this to someone who has little affinity for sweet cocktails and another with none for dry in the same round. If someone handed this to me as their twist on a Vesper I might find Mr. Bond's drink to be lacking a bit of something thereafter.
Georgann Meadows’ Avatar Georgann Meadows
23rd October 2022 at 01:50
Substituted macadamia nut liqueur for the hazelnut liqueur quite successfully!
peter holmes’ Avatar peter holmes
10th June 2022 at 23:50
For my Wife, pure girly petrol. When she's drinking this I will not mention chocolate cake or anything else chocolate. Had to be very careful with the amount of frangelico or it would be too much. I wonder how this would work if whipped up with hazelnut yoghurt or just normal greek yoghurt, as a dessert of course.
John Hinojos’ Avatar John Hinojos
9th January 2022 at 03:41
This is a perfect after dinner drink. All the falvours work together well. Only issue is that they do drink easily, so you have to remember to just sip. Went wonderfully with a piece of chocolate angel food cake.
2nd January 2022 at 11:30
Tried the updated recipe… beautifully balanced… but deadly!
21st September 2020 at 14:22
Has anyone tried this cocktail before? What are your reviews?
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
27th December 2021 at 19:20
I've just tried - the first time in 15+ years, and updated recipe. It's bot nutty and tasty!


24th December 2021 at 09:53
We found it too strong and so reduced the vodka to 45ml, balancing it (for our taste) and making more of the hazelnut and cacao.