
23rd January at 20:22
I wrote a comment about this cocktail lacking of character but botanicals comes later from the gin and caramel notes from the cognac giving it very distinct yet tasteful flavour
Marek Vranka’s Avatar Marek Vranka
9th October 2024 at 06:39
very easy to drink, nicely rounded, but surprisingly unimpressive, considering all the ingredients
Annabelle Egginton ’s Avatar Annabelle Egginton
20th September 2024 at 17:44
Very well balanced and lovely well rounded flavours.
10th May 2024 at 19:55
Previous comment about being a little thin which I tend to agree with. A fraction more sugar syrup would work for me personally. I drank it whilst scoffing dark chocolate which paired nicely!! Defo a falling down drink!!
William Smith’s Avatar William Smith
9th September 2023 at 03:35
At first I wasn't impressed. Tasted like a fancy daiquiri, until about halfway in. Then the gin began to assert itself, and it became much more complex.
Egg McKenzie’s Avatar Egg McKenzie
19th August 2023 at 08:17
need to drink this it looks like absoluTe VIBES
Egg McKenzie’s Avatar Egg McKenzie
19th August 2023 at 17:46
it's alright it's a little thin.
John Hinojos’ Avatar John Hinojos
8th August 2023 at 00:15
Being a big fan of Trader Vic, I really liked this. It is very 1950s tiki, but in a timeframe they wanted to taste the various alcohols in the cocktail. Very refreshing and great before dinner on a warm summer evening. I love it and going on my favourites.