The classic pineapple and coconut combo with a touch of rum funk and subdued apricot.
Smashes are usually short drinks that include muddled mint. Strictly...
Surprisingly good drink, thats very high praise from me given that there is no orgeat/ SS / Falernum on this for extra sweetness. I did do 20ml apricot and i have no regreats, next time will do 15 ml dram for a even better drink im sure.
Nice, tropical, delightful. Did not have a 40% ABV rum unfortunately, so I did 40ml of my coconut rum liqueur. Still tasted really nice, if a bit towards the sweet side. I also made one before with orange-pineapple juice (from concentrate) and of course, it was mediocre. Everything just comes out more with fresh pineapple and orange. I also just used Appleton Estate Signature with some Old Monk mixed in.
I don't know if my pineapple and orange juice were not overly sweet because this did not come across as a very sweet cocktail. I do agree that an overproof rum is needed, as I mixed it as posted and then with Lemon Heart & Son 151 and I enjoyed the 151 version better. In my case the lime citrus and rum were the predominant flavors with the apricot brandy not being noticeable.
From the comments, used an overproof spiced rum. I think I would have added a little overproof Navy Rum or 151 also. It was very good how we made it, but just a little sweet. Feel that the higher proof may cut the sweetness.
Sipping this right now but used the recipe before it was changed on here (i have the Bible book so can always reference back) as I had defrosted the pineapple juice already and won’t keep. Served them in tall tiki clear glasses. Very nice indeed, smash being the operative word :). Next week will try the new recipe. I think this could work well with passion fruit purée too as a substitute for orange juice.
This newer recipe is truer to what I understand of the original but I also liked my previous version. You could click "Add your own version of this recipe" to note your own preferences, perhaps with passion fruit puree. Many thanks for your feedback.