I don't know Boadas's recipe for their signature cocktail, and to be honest I'm too polite to ask. And if they told me, I don't think I'd share it as it...
Did not try this cocktail (don't have the ingredients for it). Nevertheless, this cocktail is not all that much of a big secret. Looking at the following video of the head bartender of the time making it, the rum does not look all that well aged. Perhaps a Havana Club 3 or Havana Club Especial may fit the bill just a bit more. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyFxsTaHb5k&pp=ygUPQm9hZGFzIENvY2t0YWls
Thanks, Chris. I've added the video you found to the page above. The recipe now served has dramatically changed since the days of this video. Boadas has always been a great bar but now it also has great cocktails!
Having never tried the original, found it very flavourful. Did find it a bit sweet for our tastes and we added 4 drops of Peychaud bitters which added a little more spice flavours and lessened the sweetness.