Tequila-laced cranberry and orange. Our original recipe called for equal parts of all four ingredients but, this particular bus is a tad racier when fueled...
Since discovering this wonderful website (a Friday night lockdown discovery - even COVID had a silver lining!!) and working our way through numerous cocktails, this is the first cocktail that I’ve poured away. I suppose it had to happen one day! (If my opinion is worth anything - found it too sweet and slightly artificial- not going to try alternative tequilas etc. - still got plenty of others to try on a Friday night!).
Very delightful cocktail. Our cranberry juice is unsweetened, which made the cocktail a little more sour, but perfect for how we like tequila cocktails. Worth trying.
Not my favourite, but this could be my Wife's new, new best friend. Never thought I had married a tequila monster. Nice and fruity with Smoky aftertaste. Be careful of the tequila, use cheap stuff and you will ruin this cocktail as it predominates.