1 1/2 fl oz | Patrón Silver blanco tequila |
3/4 fl oz | Hayman's Sloe Gin |
3/4 fl oz | Cynar or other carciofo amaro |
4 drop | Saline solution 4:1 (20g sea salt to 80g water) |
Read about cocktail measures and measuring.
Skewered Luxardo Maraschino Cherry.
How to make:
STIR all ingredients with ice and strain into chilled glass.
Strength & taste guide:
Bittersweet. Will please those looking for a tequila-based Negroni-alternative with a touch of sloeberry fruitiness.
Adapted from a recipe created in 2011 by Phil Ward at Mayahuel in Manhattan, New York City.
One serving of Lipspin contains 187 calories.
Alcohol content:
- 1.6 standard drinks
- 24.09% alc./vol. (48.18° proof)
- 21.7 grams of pure alcohol
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