1/2 fl oz | Honey herbal liqueur (e.g. Drambuie) |
1/4 fl oz | Blended Scotch whisky |
1/4 fl oz | Torabhaig Peated Single Malt Whisky |
1/4 fl oz | Irish whiskey |
1/4 fl oz | Single malt Welsh whisky |
3/4 fl oz | Hayman's London Dry Gin |
1 1/2 fl oz | British bitter ale |
1/4 fl oz | Apple juice/apple cider (cloudy & unsweetened) |
Read about cocktail measures and measuring.
How to make:
- Select and pre-chill a Coupe glass.
- Prepare garnish of strawberry with mint sprig crown on rim .
- STIR all ingredients with ice.
- FINE STRAIN into chilled glass.
Creating this cocktail started with a desire to make a properly British cocktail to toast those special occasions when a fellow Brit wins a sporting event. Fittingly different whiskies in the drink represent England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. London dry gin, British ale and Drambuie are all obviously British, and with names such as Cox, Granny Smith and Kingston Black, apples are intrinsically a Great British fruit, as indeed is the strawberry (think of Wimbledon), so the obvious garnish.
Handily, Drambuie contains Scotch whisky so naturally mixes well with the other whiskies, and apple juice is a favourite fruit among bartenders to use in whiskey cocktails.
The name is inspired by the Union Jack and also what I thought when I'd successfully combined all the above into one tasty cocktail.
Created in August 2013 by Simon Difford at the Cabinet Room, London, England.
One serving of Jack Pot contains 187 calories.
Alcohol content:
- 1.5 standard drinks
- 17.99% alc./vol. (35.98° proof)
- 21.6 grams of pure alcohol
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