
Alex Powell’s Avatar Alex Powell
9th March 2024 at 14:08
I have previously been underwhelmed with this using fresh orange or the blood orange versions. For grins and giggles tried it using a Seville orange cordial I concocted and found it to be preferable - more bracing and herbal which is to my preference. Moreover the extra sugar gives it some smoothness and body as well.
Miguel Perales’ Avatar Miguel Perales
15th August 2023 at 22:45
A dry, not overly sweet cocktail. I would have to agree with C N in that it was actually rather bland (and it could very well be that my Vermouths are reaching their time limit). Will have to remake with "fresher" Vermouths to see if it makes a difference.
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
16th August 2023 at 06:20
Also, please try my version with a bianco vermouth.
C N’s Avatar C N
11th March 2023 at 01:27
This didn't quite do it for me. I made it exactly per the recipe, except I was inexplicably out of Bombay London Dry (normally a staple in my bar), so I subbed Hendrick's. I found this drink to be rather bland.
Felicia  Stratton ’s Avatar Felicia Stratton
23rd October 2022 at 01:38
Oh my. For the first one I used Conniption Kinship butterfly pea flower gin - it could not resemble swamp water more than if it was actually from a swamp!! Second try was with Botanist - much better. I’m not sure how I feel about OJ in cocktails, though. Still under consideration.
Cameron Carter’s Avatar Cameron Carter
14th October 2022 at 23:47
Subtle & beautiful cocktail.
4th July 2022 at 15:54
A bit underwhelming. Predominant taste is the vermouth and not much else.
James R’s Avatar James R
3rd June 2022 at 23:20
Took me a second try to appreciate this drink. Not sure what went wrong the first time, perhaps I got the measurements wrong. I think this drink is neat for the balance of the vermouths and orange juice which play nice together, and a bit of gin peppery-ness pokes up from underneath. Feels a bit heavy, in thickness. The orange makes me want to lighten it up with a dash of soda or something (though that might very well ruin it. Not my favourite, but I'm glad I gave it an extra shot.
Richard Christmas’ Avatar Richard Christmas
30th December 2021 at 20:04
I love the way these ingredients work together, but this is too concentrated for my taste. The addition of tonic water, however, transforms it into a wonderful G&T+.
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