
Chris McLean’s Avatar Chris McLean
25th May 2024 at 23:16
I committed to making this today following a request for a 'something different' drink. I knew my version would involve improvisations but I wasn't expecting to have use guava juice in lieu of pineapple! Nevertheless I pressed on: (all in mls) 50 Edinburgh Gin, 20 Wild Kirsch, 10 Cointreau, 2.5 Becherovka, 15 lime juice, 2.5 agave syrup, 60 guava. Surprisingly good, perhaps more Pratapgarh, than Singapore, Sling, but I'd do it again!
Jose Cruz’s Avatar Jose Cruz
1st May 2024 at 05:20
too dry for me, added 15ml cherry syrup. yep thats good now.
Morten Carlsbaek’s Avatar Morten Carlsbaek
26th April 2024 at 11:22
Love Dale's recipe for a Singapore sling.
I suggest to up the grenadine to 5-7,5 ml (or use 10 ml cranberry concentrate if you don't have homemade non artificial flavored grenadine concentrate)
And to top up with soda in the glass.
Then less pineapple dominated and even more fresh.
Ryan Harrold’s Avatar Ryan Harrold
15th April 2024 at 09:12
This recipe has been on my wishlist for awhile, which I’m so glad I finally got to make this, as I used Sunshine & Sons gin which adds notes of pomegranate, lavender and pink rose, which works really well in a Singapore Sling
John CARR’s Avatar John CARR
13th January 2024 at 11:59
Retried both this and the raffles version side by side, tho cut the pineapple to 90 ml for the raffles version. I think it should be remembered that this was originally a tropical climate drink, so large amounts of fruit juice for rehydration made sense, perhaps less so for modern air conditioned lifestyles. I think they are both great drinks in their contexts.
Caitlin’s Avatar Caitlin
7th November 2023 at 10:49
I made this with a locally produced chilli infused gin and it worked really well
Peter Barth’s Avatar Peter Barth
9th October 2023 at 20:32
Tried this side by side with the Raffles Formula ( - minus the soda:
The Dale DeGroff Sling is less sweet and more tart.
Importantly, imho, it lacks the pineapple note and mouthfeel (amazing foam) of the Raffles/IBA formula, but I guess that's down to preference.
25th July 2023 at 16:12
Fikk denne i Fredericia. Må prøves
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