
John CARR’s Avatar John CARR
4th February 2024 at 11:59
as you say, Simon, jammy and deliciously bready with a fresh, almost herbal quality. Highly enjoyable.
Avery Garnett’s Avatar Avery Garnett
21st November 2023 at 21:08
Tasty, if...unexcitingly so.
Morten Carlsbaek’s Avatar Morten Carlsbaek
10th March 2023 at 10:35
Maybe I should mention that Lommebogen with some cocktail written down by Axel Sørensen in the late 1930s wasn't published until Dec 2013 by Henrik Steen Petersen. And that only part of the new book can be read online (but including recipe for Copenhagen cocktail 1939 and others)
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
17th March 2023 at 12:18
Many thanks, Morten. I've added the recipe from Axel Sørensen's pocketbook. Please see the link to "Copenhagen Cocktail 1939" above.
Morten Carlsbaek’s Avatar Morten Carlsbaek
4th March 2023 at 18:39
The is an older variant "Copenhagen Cocktail 1939" from Axel Sørensen's black, bar notebook: 22.5 ml. Beefeater Gin, 22.5 ml Cherry Heering, 22.5 Dolin Rouge Vermouth, approx. 2 dash lemon juice + 1 dash stron sugar syrup, 1 dash Angostura Bitters. Can be read on ("Lommebogen" ISBN 978-87-995886-0-2, in Danish only, published by Henrik Steen Petersen from the former "Moltkes Bar" in Copenhagen)
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
5th March 2023 at 11:36
Many thanks, Morten. I'll be sure to add Axel Sørensen's recipe to Difford's Guide. I'll add a link above when live.
Morten Carlsbaek’s Avatar Morten Carlsbaek
12th August 2022 at 23:18
A fine Danish Dutch concoction. Recommended by a Copenhagener here...
Doris Magnus’ Avatar Doris Magnus
7th August 2022 at 23:22
Smooth cocktail with a tang. The bitters come though
Flemming Juul’s Avatar Flemming Juul
19th November 2021 at 22:02
Using a 2:1 muscovado syrup instead of white syrup doesn't hurt this cocktail. It goes well with the cherry.