
Simon Sedgley’s Avatar Simon Sedgley
6th October 2024 at 06:40
We added 10ml elderflower liqueur and sipped it from a rocks glass with a single large block of ice - for the dilution, as our host advises. We think that this adds floral to the herbal complexity and tames the fierce dryness of the original recipe.
Jeremy Harrold’s Avatar Jeremy Harrold
11th January 2024 at 21:45
My first Kümmel cocktail…intriguing and fascinating. A mixture of flavours; earthy, wood, oil, mint, maybe citrus and liquorice to name a few. A touch sweet to me as well.
31st July 2023 at 18:30
Realy liked it. I am quite fond of Kümmel though. Because of Chris statement that IT would BE top dry, i added about 5ml simple Sirup. Its very boozy but still very nicely balanced.
Chris Dimal’s Avatar Chris Dimal
17th June 2023 at 12:50
Oh no! Maybe I'm too young for this, but it's one of the worst drinks I've had. Super savoury, and mostly not in a good way, unfortunately. It was like drinking iodine-y (probably due to the J&B), herbaceous alcohol. Any balancing sweetness from the Kummel is non-existent.