
Adam Kormondy’s Avatar Adam Kormondy
17th December 2024 at 06:16
Very tasty with Gosling's and the right amount of maraschino. Used Ramazotti for the Amaro since it was on hand and surprisingly it's a little lost. Want to try again with some other subs (think Abano might be a good choice).
Yorey C’s Avatar Yorey C
8th February 2024 at 10:53
good with goslings, but myers seriously overpowers... speculate like 33% **less** myers, 20% more goslings would be my personal ideal?
Yorey C’s Avatar Yorey C
18th June 2024 at 20:27
still kinda dry with a lower proportion of myers
Calvin Grant’s Avatar Calvin Grant
29th August 2023 at 02:50
I found this to be quite tasty made with Myers's Single Barrel Select. Not a bad mixer.
John Hinojos’ Avatar John Hinojos
28th March 2023 at 04:23
As a huge fan of rum, loved this. Used Hamilton Pot Stilled Black Jamaican at 90+proof. Cocktail starts off with a hit of Jamaican rum funk followed by the spices of the Amaro and angostura. Ends with hints of pepper and cherries. Found the cocktail alive with a burst of flavours and hints of Caribbean mystic. Does benefit from a very long stir. Allow to breathe as the initial sharp flavours do mellow as it breathes.
John Hinojos’ Avatar John Hinojos
28th March 2023 at 04:26
Oddly, this is a cocktail which I think would be better shaken and stirred. It seems to benefit from getting more air and being very cold.
Herbert Brant’s Avatar Herbert Brant
22nd January 2023 at 20:37
As the commenter below says, this is an intense, dark and brooding cocktail, but I did enjoy it. The second time I made it, I used Peychaud's instead of Angostura, and it added nice, subtle zing to the mix.
Jeremy Harrold’s Avatar Jeremy Harrold
5th January 2023 at 01:32
Intense, dark and brooding flavours with the Maraschino coming and going. For my palate it didn’t work.