
Werd Bmocsil’s Avatar Werd Bmocsil
23rd January at 00:40
Mine differences: Bombay Sapphire, Foro Vermouth di Torino, Martini ,& Rossi Dry Vermouth. Meh. I like GM, but this drink doesn't do it justice IMHO. Perhaps the differences make a difference.
Steven’s Avatar Steven
19th October 2024 at 00:19
Lovely. Perfect after dinner on an autumn evening.

Not sure how to classify it, but it strikes me as a sweeter alternative to an old fashioned.

Upvote to Nathalie’s comment.
Nathalie O'Flynn’s Avatar Nathalie O'Flynn
14th June 2024 at 18:32
Came across this one from the homepage content. Just had this tonight and it is a 5* for us. But who the #@$ is Alice ?
John CARR’s Avatar John CARR
2nd June 2024 at 13:26
Liked it more on my second try. As Peter says, definitely showcases the Grand Marnier up front, but also some very nice herbs and spices on the after palate. I went slightly heavy handed on the bitters, which balanced the sweetness for me.
John CARR’s Avatar John CARR
29th May 2024 at 12:59
An old fashioned, unapologetic flavour hit. Not subtle but it works!
Peter McCarthy’s Avatar Peter McCarthy
10th May 2024 at 22:35
This is nice. You get the Grand Marnier (sweet orange cognac) up front, then the complexity from the gin, vermouths, and bitters fade in on the back-end.
James Pratt’s Avatar James Pratt
8th April 2022 at 22:23
This is different to the Alice Mine recipe in The Savoy Cocktail Book; that uses Italian vermouth, Russian Kümmel and two dashes of Scotch whisky. However, the above is the exact recipe for the Alphonso (Special) Cocktail there (also shown as the Alphonso in Boothby’s 1934 edition of World Drinks And How To Mix Them).
Marek Vranka’s Avatar Marek Vranka
5th December 2022 at 20:46
this is correct!
Kevin Duffy’s Avatar Kevin Duffy
31st January 2021 at 18:44
Replaced the Martini Rosso with Vermut Lustau to really accentuate the orange tones.