
Jeff Newcastle’s Avatar Jeff Newcastle
15th September 2023 at 19:39
Delicious, but I’m a little wary to have two. It’s very boozy….. Oh go on then, I’ll have another one ?
Miguel Perales’ Avatar Miguel Perales
22nd November 2022 at 23:17
I'm usually more into "minimalist" cocktails ( fewer ingredients) but I must say this was a very nice. Everything was nicely balanced. All the flavors combine very nicely, with the Calvados and Licor 43 being just slightly prominent. Very nice cocktail.
Sandrine Mazoyer’s Avatar Sandrine Mazoyer
11th September 2022 at 03:01
I tried it with vanilla Galliano and was well pretty boring. We, recently, found a bottle of licor 43 and it is a game changer for this cocktail. It is so much more complex and balance with 43 licor.
Morten Carlsbaek’s Avatar Morten Carlsbaek
6th August 2022 at 10:14
Interesting but dominated by Licor 43. I might try it again but with less Licor 43 (7,5 or maybe 10 ml?)
Patrick Valentino’s Avatar Patrick Valentino
18th June 2022 at 15:36
This was excellent. Its going to the top of the class.
19th April 2022 at 01:48
Daron, Martell, and Barsol Qubranta all blended harmoniously in my glass!
John Hinojos’ Avatar John Hinojos
21st February 2022 at 01:19
This was a perfect aperitif for us. Boozy, but nicely balanced. Perfect in the amount of sweetness. Enough to whet your appetite, but also goes well with appetisers.
29th June 2021 at 02:27
I thought this would be a train wreck but it's actually really good.