
Mike Beatty’s Avatar Mike Beatty
14th April at 03:20
Bright and boozy! I’d drink this at brunch or after dinner and be happy!
Renee Thorpe’s Avatar Renee Thorpe
13th February 2023 at 09:28
Made this with Campari, strongest flavor and least sweet of the orangey aperitifs. And I had no Grand Marnier, so I used Bols Triple Sec. I let in a bit of the lemon pulp, and, serving this in a steep martini glass, I achieved a snowy accent on the bottom, resting beneath gorgeous red blush of the cocktail. Very alcoholic, but the Galliano fully mitigates any acidity of the other ingredients, so the result is a powerfully orange flavored, very smooth and not-at-all cloying drink. Superb.
Eva S.’s Avatar Eva S.
12th September 2021 at 03:06
Not as balanced as I hoped. Seemed like it should work, but was a tad bitter in the end. Surprisingly so.
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
7th October 2022 at 19:31
Agreed, Eva and thanks Herbert. I've swapped bitter liqueurs and re-balanced all.
Herbert Brant’s Avatar Herbert Brant
6th October 2022 at 20:48
I find Campari atomically bitter, so I almost always substitute it with Aperol. Try that, and increase the Grand Marnier a little bit. For me, the result is delightful.