9 May

Lost Sock Memorial Day

The Lone Ranger

So we are drinking...

The Lone Ranger

America boasts over 1,200 national days celebrating all manner of things... and as the name suggests, this one remembers dearly departed socks and their surviving twins.

Pull yourself together - even if your socks are separated forever - and unless the remaining sock can be put to good use protecting the head of a golf club or suchlike, then throw it away and move on with a new pair.

As celebration days go, Lost Sock Memorial Day is something of a slow news day but does give us the excuse to suggest some cocktail puns with which to celebrate, or perhaps we should say mourn, your missing socks: Lone Ranger; Perfectly Paired; Tanglefoot; Pussyfoot (for a temperance option); or a Nice Pear

Today is also National Moscato Day

The ninth of May has also been declared today "National Moscato Day" - and why not?

Despite this "National Day" celebration originating in America, Moscato is Italian wine from the Piedmont region. Made from the Muscat grape, Moscato is often enjoyed as an aperitif as it's slightly sweet, low in alcohol and very quaffable.

We do love a glass of Moscato, but why settle for mere wine when you can have a wine based cocktail: Heard It Through The Grapewine.

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