Photographed in an
UB 1910 Shot 2oz5/6 fl oz | Cachaça |
5/12 fl oz | Lime juice (freshly squeezed) |
1/4 fl oz | Honey syrup (3 honey to 1 water) |
Read about cocktail measures and measuring.
How to make:
- Select and pre-chill a Shot glass.
- SHAKE all ingredients with ice.
- FINE STRAIN into chilled glass.
Strength & taste guide:
Cachaça-laced, bite-sized, and delicious with rich smoothing honey balancing sharp zesty lime.
Pinga com Mel is a popular drink in Brasil in work-a-day bars, especially on cold days. It's also drunk to help alleviate flu and some even add garlic. The Pinga com Mel is considered one of the possible origins of the Caipirinha and so popular is the drink that in Brasil there are also some bottled versions and Busca Vida (17% alc./vol.) is popular in nightclubs.
One serving of Pinga com Mel contains 76 calories.
Alcohol content:
- 0.5 standard drinks
- 16.34% alc./vol. (32.68° proof)
- 7.4 grams of pure alcohol
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