
G. M. Genovese’s Avatar G. M. Genovese
29th March 2024 at 21:31
Used Sheildaig and Carpano Classico. This tasted like a poorly shelf-stable US import of a British ale. Sheildaig ain't great, but it works in some cocktails. I do see the potential for this, however. Johnnie Walker Black or a Monkey Shoulder would no dobut be an upgrade. I'll come back to this. I don't necessarily mind oxidized UK import ales.
Olga María Gómez Henderson’s Avatar Olga María Gómez Henderson
15th April 2023 at 18:32
This is an improvement of your typical highball.
Asher Günther’s Avatar Asher Günther
11th December 2022 at 05:29
Surprised to see the user rating was only 3/5 (before I gave it a 4.5/5). Very lovely drink. I used Johnnie Walker Double Black which is quite smokey. Would even be great with an Islay Scotch.

Had to double the recipe to fit my 12oz/36cl glass
Adam M’s Avatar Adam M
5th May 2021 at 13:40
Tasty when the ratio is just right, go easy on the soda and top up to taste. Nice afternoon sipper