
Simon Sedgley’s Avatar Simon Sedgley
12th November 2024 at 14:40
As Tolstoy said: "There is no greatness where there is not simplicity, goodness and truth." I'm pretty sure that a Daquiri never passed betwixt his lips, but if I'm wrong he may have had this recipe in mind.
John Hinojos’ Avatar John Hinojos
8th June 2024 at 01:07
This cocktail never fails. Had again with a Barbados gold rum. Love the rum flavour which is more noticeable using the darker rum.
Annabelle Egginton ’s Avatar Annabelle Egginton
28th April 2024 at 17:12
I used Rivière du Mat Reunion island gold rum. Has a peaty whisky like taste. Really good in this Diaquiry. If you like rum and lime this is the cocktail for you.
21st December 2023 at 14:59
Not much to add really, this so easy (too easy???) to drink, absolute yum!
Yossi Burg’s Avatar Yossi Burg
2nd November 2023 at 09:59
Perfection in a coupe! My little secret is to fine strain the lime first and put into the Boston tin- then fast hard shake with ONE large ice cube and no need to double strain , just use a Hawthorn strainer and pour fast and high. Generally never get ice shards and the perfect fluffy top.
Bob's Difford Daiquiri bitters a must and I add 4-6 drops of saline. So simple, so bloody good. Havana Club 3, Plantation 3 Star a stand out- even Bacardi Carta Blanca. Heaven on a warm evening.
Giulio Motta’s Avatar Giulio Motta
24th October 2023 at 08:18
I tried this with Difford's Daiquiri Bitters, and they really add a layer needed complexity to the cocktail. Loved it
Remko Desmet’s Avatar Remko Desmet
13th October 2023 at 17:19
Made this just now with powdered canesugar and Clément VSOP rum de Martinique. The complexity of the rum seems to be amplified by the use of canesugar, definitely would recommend
David M.’s Avatar David M.
24th July 2023 at 00:27
This works so well with a fuller flavored rum. The lime and sweetness complement the scent and flavor and of the rum, which still is prominent.
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