Peach and bourbon are a match made in heaven, presented here with a touch of citrus (also classically great with black tea) and zesty orange. A classic...
It felt flat so I added a orange peel twist on top of the lemon peel twist that made it taste more 3 dimensional. For people who are looking for a cocktail that simulates a peach tea, I would 100% recommend as long as you use higher quality ingredients or add something like I did to round it off.
Old Grand-dad and De Kuyper Peachtree made for a generic blend; too much Peachtree, but not too sweet. The flavors were good, but the ratios need adjustments with these products. I'll eventually give this another shot. (31 Jan 2022, 10:35a)
So just now I went through four different ratio tests... My favorite is less sweet, omitting the triple sec, and is positioned at a 5:5:2, which has just enough of each flavor going on, ultimately tasting like a peach-flavored 'unsweetened' American-style fast food iced tea. But that's just my take.
Thanks for this addition Simon. Im glad I can contribute to the diffords guide.
Mixing good drinks helps set the tone and atmosphere for many of our soirées and get togethers. As we say in South Carolina... Enjoy it y’all.