
Calvin Grant’s Avatar Calvin Grant
11th January at 02:50
Good stuff, great balance! ♡
Calvin Grant’s Avatar Calvin Grant
11th January at 03:05
Thoroughly satisfying, thank you Simon.
Peter McCarthy’s Avatar Peter McCarthy
13th September 2024 at 01:56
Tasty. I used SelvaRey White, Green Chartreuse, & Luxardo Maraschino. The Maraschino is definitely dominant, but the Chartreuse blends well with it to add subtle complexity. The rum is subtle, as well, providing a solid base, with nice citrus tartness from the lime. Excellent variation on the Last Word if you don't like gin, aren't in the mood for it, or just don't have any.
Colin Cook’s Avatar Colin Cook
20th January 2024 at 13:25
It seems I am in the minority on this one, but to me the Maraschino liqueur overwhelmed everything else. Tried cutting the Maraschino to 1/3, but still not really to my liking.
Stephen Curtin’s Avatar Stephen Curtin
23rd March 2024 at 00:18
I agree. The Maraschino is by far the most dominant flavour. I like it, but the Chartreuse seems to get a bit lost which is a pity considering how hard it can be to find a bottle these days.
Antti Ylänen’s Avatar Antti Ylänen
15th December 2023 at 15:05
I know this is probably heresy, but I prefer this to Last Word. Also as someone said below - even better on the rocks!
Deyan Kavrakov’s Avatar Deyan Kavrakov
24th August 2023 at 10:08
Supreme! Since, I am blessed with steady supply of Chartreuse, this cocktail is among my top 3 summer/ warm weather cocktails. Lime juice could be increased a notch: 25 ml. And, of course as any cocktail, kindly try it on the rocks - remarkable, smooth and airy.
23rd August 2023 at 20:03
in 2023 it would be rally helpful that every time a drink that uses Chartreuse is highlighted an alternate be offered using a Chartreuse substitute.
Ankur Patodia’s Avatar Ankur Patodia
20th August 2023 at 15:08
Spectacular! Perfect proportions
Egg McKenzie’s Avatar Egg McKenzie
20th August 2023 at 06:48
sweeter version of the original.
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