
Robert Holen’s Avatar Robert Holen
18th January at 14:40
A little heavy on the cinnamon, but a very good drink none the less. Since I had 3 different spiced rums, I had to try them all in this. Angostura Taboo was my favorite and the missus preferred Kraken black spiced. Both of us ranked Captain Morgan spiced gold in last place.
jason keane’s Avatar jason keane
1st October 2023 at 05:35
This is one of my faves. Went to make it today after a nice swim but had lunch no spiced rum- so I used Bacardi Coconut Rum instead to increase the tropical vibe. Outstanding. I think this should be a new recipe variation that I will call the Bent Banana.
Eduar5 Bellini’s Avatar Eduar5 Bellini
15th December 2022 at 13:06
Had this again with some craft cinnamon syrup I picked up at a farmer's market, and Pusser's Gunpowder Spiced. Bravo, Difford's! ?
Martin Pryce’s Avatar Martin Pryce
13th September 2022 at 21:22
This was pleasant but a little uninspiring. I tried this similar recipe (I'm afraid I can't remember where I found it) and found it much more interesting.
2oz demerrera rum (I used El Dorado 12)
3/4oz Banana liqueur
1/2oz Cinnamon Syrup
1/2oz Lime juice
1/8oz Allspice dram
Jason Edward CLAPHAM’s Avatar Jason Edward CLAPHAM
7th August 2022 at 16:55
I think the original was with Foursquare spiced rum, or Pusser's spiced. Both are lovely, in any case!
jason keane’s Avatar jason keane
22nd March 2022 at 06:03
Not bad! Better than the rating suggests. The banana is subtle at that amount- I used Massenez which are always good. Didn’t have cinnamon syrup so used a shake of cinnamon powder and simple syrup which would be more or less the same. Nice.
jason keane’s Avatar jason keane
22nd March 2022 at 09:06
Good lad Simon!
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
22nd March 2022 at 07:30
Agreed. I've upped the rating to 4/5.
Eduar5 Bellini’s Avatar Eduar5 Bellini
28th January 2022 at 17:58
Wasn't sure about this one, because of the rating, but it's pretty good. I was using Tempus Fugit Crème de Banane, though, which is rather special.
6th February 2022 at 15:16
I’d like the entire Tempus Fugit range simply for their labels, ha ha…